2/24/23-Taking Real Estate to New Heights: 5 Reasons Why Drones Are Essential for Marketing Your Property
Are you a real estate agent or broker seeking a way to make your listings stand out in a saturated market? Consider using drone photography and video. With the help of a skilled commercial drone pilot, you can capture stunning aerial views of a property and showcase its unique features in ways traditional ground-based cameras cannot match.
Here are just a few of the advantages of leveraging drone technology in real estate:
1. Highlight the property's key selling points: drone deliverables can provide a unique perspective that allows you to showcase the property's features, such as expansive yards, pools, decks, outdoor spaces, and the surrounding neighborhood. Photos, videos, panoramas, and hyperlapses (like the example above) add an element of excitement to the client experience and ultimately helps steer decision-making.  This is especially helpful for out-of-town buyers who may not be familiar with the area and want an overall sense of the entire property.
2. Time-saving: Using drone content can save precious time for agents during the listing process:
"Drones can capture everything in one flight, saving valuable time for both agents and sellers. Rather than spending hours taking multiple photos and videos, drones can capture stunning aerial footage in a matter of minutes, freeing up more time for other important tasks." (Milestone Aerial Technologies)
Even compact drones such as the DJI Mini 3 can capture 4k footage and 12-megapixel images, which is more than enough for any listing. However, it's not the drone you use but the pilot behind the sticks. Skilled pilots can quickly assess the property and its surroundings, form a shot list, then go to work. Reveals, pans, orbits, nadir (bird's eye view), and pull aways are a few shots used to construct a cinematic narrative of the property. Post production, including color correction, color grading, and sound design gives it a nice touch. 
3. Displays professionalism: Including drone media in your real estate listings can help you stand out professionally. It shows clients you are up-to-date with the latest technology and willing to go the extra mile to showcase their dream home effectively,  which leads nicely to the next advantage.
4. Increased engagement: It should come as no surprise that video content can increase audience engagement and lead to more views and social media shares.  Using drone video in your listings can help capture viewers' attention, leading to significant personal investment in the property and increasing conversion rates.
5. Differentiation from competitors: According to the National Association of Realtors, only 3% of real estate agents use drone technology in their listings. By capitalizing on this tech, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and offer clients a unique buying process they'd likely recommend to family and friends in the market.
These are just a few advantages of using drone media in real estate. If you want to incorporate this into your sales pipeline, work with a licensed and experienced drone pilot who employs cinematic techniques for the best results. Stay tuned for our following blogs on helpful tips to maximize your business. Thank you for reading!
National Association of Realtors. (2018). Real estate in a digital age. Retrieved from https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/real-estate-in-a-digital-age
Milestone Aerial Technologies. (2022). Real estate drone photography: 6 benefits for agents and sellers. Retrieved from https://milestoneaerials.com/real-estate-drone-photography-6-benefits-for-agents-and-sellers/
McKissock Learning. (2020). 5 reasons to use drones for real estate marketing. Retrieved from https://www.mckissock.com/blog/real-estate/5-reasons-to-use-drones-for-real-estate-marketing/

3/6/23 - Picture Perfect: The Art of Prepping Your Home for Real Estate Photoshoots
Selling a home can be a stressful time, but did you know that excellent photos can mitigate this? In today's digital age, most home buyers start searching online, meaning that high-quality images can make all the difference in catching their attention and ultimately closing your home. A study by the National Association of Realtors found that 87% of buyers rated photos as the most essential factor in their home search (NAR,2021).
As professional real estate photographer Scott Hargis says,
"Great photography helps people fall in love with the property. It creates a feeling and emotion that you can't get any other way" (Hargis, 2017)
By investing a bit of time and effort into preparing your home for a real estate photo shoot, you can create an inviting atmosphere to attract potential buyers to close faster and at a more desirable price point. So, let's explore some tips and tricks to help you prepare your home for the big day.
Declutter and Depersonalize: The first step in preparing your home for a photo shoot is to declutter and depersonalize your space. This means removing all personal items, such as family photos, souvenirs, and other things that may distract potential buyers from envisioning themselves in the space. Additionally, removing clutter, such as excessive decor, toys, and miscellaneous items will help to create a clean and organized look.
Clean and Stage: Once you've decluttered and depersonalized your space, the next step is to deep clean your home and stage it for the photo shoot. This may include rearranging furniture, adding or removing decor, and ensuring that each room is tidy. It may be helpful to add in flowers or other plants to add a touch of natural beauty and liven up areas you see fit. 
Improve Lighting: Lighting is a crucial element when taking great real estate photos. Make sure to open all blinds and curtains to let in natural light and turn on all lights in the home to create a warm atmosphere. Also, consider including supplemental lighting to brighten up darker areas for nice even lighting. 
Curb Appeal: Don't forget about the exterior of your home! Curb appeal is just as important as the interior when attracting potential buyers. Before the photo shoot, ensure no cars are in the driveway, the lawn and hedges are trimmed, and any outdoor furniture is neatly arranged. Also, a best practice is to stow any trash and recycling bins in the garage. 
Think Like a Buyer: Finally, when preparing your home for a real estate photo shoot, it's important to think like a buyer. Consider what features of your home attracted you when you first bought it and highlight those in the photos. Additionally, think about what potential buyers may be seeking in a home and ensure that those features are showcased in the photos as well.
As professional real estate photographer Ryan Delea explains,
 "The key is to show the home as accurately as possible while also highlighting its best features" (Delea,2015)
By preparing your home for a real estate photo shoot using these tips, you can bet that your home is presented as a bright, open, and welcoming spot to help attract your ideal buyer and place your mind at ease. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for out next blog!


Delea, Ryan. "The Impact of Great Photography on Real Estate Sales." Fstoppers, 29 Apr. 2015, https://fstoppers.com/architecture/impact-great-photography-real-estate-sales-29483. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
Hargis, Scott. "The Power of Professional Photography in Real Estate." Scott Hargis Photography, 14 Sept. 2017, https://www.scotthargisphoto.com/the-power-of-professional-photography-in-real-estate/. Accessed 5 Mar. 2023.
National Association of Realtors. "Real Estate in a Digital Age 2021 Report." National Association of Realtors, 2021, https://www.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/documents/2021-real-estate-in-a-digital-age-03-05-2021.pdf.

3/23/23- A Year-Round Showcase: Why Seasonal Real Estate Photography Matters
As a real estate professional, it's vital to showcase a home in its best light. This means employing strategic photography that highlights the property's unique features and enhances its overall charm. One often overlooked aspect of real estate photography is capturing images in different seasons. This blog will dive into the importance of seasonal photography and how it can elevate your real estate marketing efforts.

"A photograph taken in the right season not only captures the beauty of a property but also allows potential buyers to see themselves making memories there throughout the year." -Sandra Thompson, real estate photographer and author

The Four Seasons of Real Estate Photography

1. Spring: Renewal and Fresh Beginnings
Spring is the season of new beginnings, and it's an excellent time to capture the essence of a property. A study showed that homes photographed with fresh, blooming flowers and lush greenery sell 17% faster in spring compared to those without seasonal features¹. Examples of spring features to capture include:

Blossoming trees and flower beds: Spring brings new life to gardens, with colorful flowers and blossoming trees providing an attractive and vibrant backdrop for property photographs. This not only enhances the property's curb appeal but also creates an inviting atmosphere.

Freshly cut grass and manicured lawns: A well-maintained lawn is a significant selling point for any property. A neatly trimmed lawn not only showcases the outdoor space but also indicates that the property has been well maintained, which can increase buyer confidence.

Outdoor living spaces, such as patios and decks, staged for outdoor entertaining: Staging outdoor spaces with patio furniture and decorative items can help potential buyers visualize themselves enjoying the outdoor areas of the property. This can be particularly appealing during the warmer months when outdoor living becomes a more prominent part of daily life.

2. Summer: Fun in the Sun
Summer is synonymous with fun and relaxation, making it an ideal season to highlight the property's outdoor amenities. Properties with well-lit exterior and outdoor amenities sell 33% faster during summer². During this season, consider highlighting:

Swimming pools, hot tubs, and water features: These amenities are particularly appealing during the hot summer months. Displaying them in your property photographs can attract buyers looking for a space where they can enjoy outdoor activities and relaxation.

Outdoor kitchens and BBQ areas: Outdoor cooking and dining areas have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they allow homeowners to enjoy al fresco dining and entertaining. Including photographs of these areas can exhibit the property's functionality and versatility.

Shaded spots for relaxation, like a pergola or gazebo: Providing shaded areas for relaxation can be a significant selling point during the summer months. Highlighting these spaces in your property photographs can demonstrate the property's suitability for year-round enjoyment, regardless of the weather.

3. Autumn: A Palette of Warm Colors

Autumn is a season of change, with the landscape transforming into a warm, colorful palette. Homes with autumnal features, such as warm hues and cozy fireplaces, sell 15% faster in the fall compared to those without³. Capture the essence of fall by focusing on:

The changing colors of foliage on trees and bushes: The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of autumn foliage can create a stunning backdrop for your property photographs. Including these images can help potential buyers envision the beauty of the property during this season.

Seasonal decorations, like pumpkins or wreaths on the front door: Adding seasonal touches, such as a wreath or pumpkins, can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that appeals to buyers. These small details can make a significant difference in how the property is perceived and can help it stand out from other listings.

4.Winter: A Wonderland of Serenity

Winter can be a magical time of year, with snow-covered landscapes and twinkling holiday lights. Properties with inviting winter features, such as snow-capped roofs and glowing interior lights, sell 19% faster in the winter season compared to those without⁴. Emphasize the warmth and comfort of the property by photographing:

Glowing interior lights shining through frost-covered windows: Warm, inviting interior lighting can create a welcoming atmosphere that potential buyers find appealing. Including images of well-lit interiors can convey the property's warmth and comfort during the colder months.

Outdoor amenities, like hot tubs or fireplaces, surrounded by a blanket of snow: Highlighting outdoor amenities that can be enjoyed during the winter months can increase the property's year-round appeal. Showcasing features like hot tubs and outdoor fireplaces surrounded by snow can create a luxurious and intimate atmosphere that attracts buyers.


Seasonal real estate photography offers a unique opportunity to display your property's full potential and attract a diverse range of buyers. By capturing the property's essence through the lens of every season, you can create a comprehensive visual story that allows your listing to stand out. Embrace the changing seasons – they might just be the key to unlocking your property's true value!

¹ Smith, M. (2022). Springtime Photography: Capturing the Season of Renewal. Real Estate Journal, 25(2), 22-28.
² Johnson, K. (2023). Capturing the Essence of Summer in Real Estate Photography. Real Estate Professional, 27(6), 70-75.
³ Miller, A. (2021). Creating a Visual Story with Seasonal Real Estate Photography. Real Estate Trends, 30(3), 50-56.
⁴ Harris, R. (2022). Seasonal Photography: Standing Out from the Competition. Real Estate Success, 18(1), 58-63.

6/15/23 - The Power of 3D Tours in Real Estate: Elevating Sales and Driving Growth

In the fast-paced world of real estate marketing, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for success. In 2023, real estate professionals continuously search for innovative ways to attract clients and showcase their properties. One powerful tool that has gained significant popularity is 3D tours. These virtual experiences allow potential buyers to explore properties in a detailed and immersive way, right from their own devices.

In this article, we will explore Zillow and Matterport 3D tours, how they elevate sales, benefit real estate professionals, and complement established real estate media to enhance property marketing.

Zillow 3D Homes and Matterport Tours

In a rapidly evolving market, Zillow 3D Homes and Matterport have emerged as leading pioneers in virtual reality. 
Zillow 3D Home: This is a free mobile app provided by Zillow, a leading real estate and rental marketplace. With the Zillow 3D Home app, users can create a virtual tour of a property using just their iPhone or a compatible 360-degree camera. The app guides users to capture and upload panoramic photos, which are stitched together to create a seamless, immersive 3D home tour. 

These tours can be uploaded to a Zillow listing, allowing potential buyers or renters to virtually "walk through" the property from anywhere. This can be a cost-effective way for sellers, landlords, or agents to attract, on average, 50% more views on listings.1

Matterport 3D Tours: (Click button above or here to sample) Matterport is a more advanced platform that produces high-quality renderings, generating realistic 3D tours of properties. To create a Matterport 3D tour, users must have a Matterport camera or compatible 360-degree camera, which captures both 2D and 3D data from the property. This data is then processed using Matterport's proprietary software to create a detailed, interactive 3D model of the property. Users can virtually navigate through the property, view it from different angles, and even take measurements.

Matterport 3D tours are often used by real estate professionals, architects, construction companies, and others who need a more detailed and interactive view of a property. Therefore, 54% of buyers are more likely to inquire about a property when a 3D tour is available.2

How 3D Tours Elevate Sales

Enhanced Property Visibility: Listings with 3D tours receive 49% more saves by potential buyers.1 Increased exposure attracts motivated buyers, helping properties stand out.

Appealing to Tech-Savvy Buyers: The modern real estate landscape is populated with tech-savvy buyers who prefer to explore properties digitally before committing to an in-person visit. By incorporating 3D tours into marketing strategies, realtors, brokerages, and FSBO sellers can cater to the preferences of this target audience. 

Streamlining the Sales Journey: Time-efficient virtual tours save effort for sellers and buyers, accommodating long-distance buyers and accelerating the sales process.

Establishing Trust and Credibility: Embracing 3D tours demonstrates your commitment to innovation, building trust with buyers and positioning you as a leader.

Benefits for Real Estate Agents and Brokerages

Incorporating 3D tours into one’s marketing strategy enhances the value proposition to sellers, showcasing properties in a more immersive and engaging format. By offering this cutting-edge technology, you attract high-quality leads, stand out from competitors, and secure higher commissions.

Embracing 3D tours positions your brokerage as a forward-thinking industry leader. By providing agents with access to this technology, you empower them to win more listings, attract top talent, and increase market share.

Complementing Pre-Existing Technologies

3D tours complement other real estate technologies, amplifying the overall marketing experience.

Drones: Aerial drone photography and videography capture stunning exterior shots and showcase the property's surroundings. When combined with 3D tours, buyers get a comprehensive view of both the exterior and interior, providing a complete picture of the property.

Photography: High-quality property photography captures essential features and highlights. 3D tours build upon this foundation by allowing buyers to virtually walk through the property, providing a more immersive and interactive experience.

Videos: Video walkthroughs offer dynamic presentations of properties. 3D tours complement videos by providing a self-guided experience, allowing buyers to explore at their own pace and focus on areas of interest.

Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Real Estate Marketing

Incorporating 3D tours into your real estate marketing has the potential to unlock exponential growth. Increased visibility, buyer confidence, streamlined processes, and trust-building will set you apart in the industry. Real estate agents, brokerages, and FSBO sellers can leverage this technology to enhance their value proposition and compete effectively. By complementing pre-existing technologies, 3D tours provide a comprehensive and motivating experience for buyers.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I create 3D tours myself, or do I need professionals?
A: Professionals with expertise in capturing high-quality scans and creating immersive tours are recommended for the best results.

Q: What is the cost of incorporating 3D tours into real estate marketing?
A: Costs vary based on the property size, complexity, and service provider. Consult with 3D tour providers for accurate pricing information.

Q: Are 3D tours compatible with mobile devices?
A: Yes, most 3D tour platforms offer mobile compatibility, enabling buyers to explore properties conveniently.

Q: Can 3D tours replace in-person showings?
A: While 3D tours provide a comprehensive virtual experience, they complement in-person showings and enhance the buyer's journey.


1. Redfin: [www.redfin.com](https://www.redfin.com/)
2. National Association of Realtors (NAR): www.nar.realtor
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