At Bernhard Visuals, our goal is to provide exceptional services. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, we ask that you review our policies prior to booking a session. For questions regarding our policies, please contact us at or give us a call at (504) 756-1200. By booking a session, you are agreeing to the following terms of service:
We accept cash and all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express (AMEX), and Discover. We also accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. Checks are not accepted.
Cancellation and Rescheduling
We understand that unforeseen circumstances may come up. If you need to cancel or reschedule your session, we respectfully request at least 24-hour notice. Cancellations or missed appointments without 24-hour notice will result in an assessment of $40. Sessions can be canceled or rescheduled via email, text, or online through the appointment scheduler. 
Late Policy
We allow for a 15-minute grace period for late arrival for the individual providing access to the property in the event of a delay. If we arrive at the property to find the shoot is canceled (including no access to the property past 15 minutes), your session will be canceled with a $40 assessment. Please understand that any late arrival may shorten your appointment time and will not be made up by running into the next scheduled appointment. Expect a reminder the day before and confirmation the day of the shoot via email and the number provided when creating your account. 
Home Preparation/Safety
The client or homeowner is responsible for ensuring the property is "photo-ready" before the photographer's arrival. Additionally, a home preparation guideline will be provided after appointment booking upon request. If the property is not adequately prepared, the shoot will be canceled with a $40 cancellation fee or will be photographed as is.
Copyright License
The client who purchased a license for these photos/videos is hereby authorized to a worldwide, limited, fully paid license to use said photography/videography for the purposes of marketing this property for as long as the client represents the property. This license does not grant or constitute a transfer of ownership for any intellectual property rights, which are all explicitly held by Bernhard Visuals LLC.
Drone Operations
We respectfully request that the client or seller informs neighbors about drone operations, although this is not an FAA requirement, it is a courtesy. Drones can operate in most US airspaces under specific authorizations or waivers. Controlled airspaces include those near airports, military bases, schools, and state parks. They necessitate special airspace authorizations, which the photographer will venture to acquire before the session.
 Therefore, it is a best practice to inform photographers of drone sessions with as much time in advance as possible. In the event the FAA is not able to grant an authorization or waiver for the scheduled shoot, the photographer will inform the client, and drone sessions will not take place
Weather Policy
In case of inclement weather conditions, we will work with you to reschedule the session to the earliest available date without fees. If the weather is safe enough for photography and videography, we will proceed with the session as planned. 
Refund Policy
We strive to set and exceed our clients' expectations for final deliverables through optional 10 minute consultations prior to appointments, as well as the option to fill out “special instructions” within intake forms at the time of booking. Therefore, refunds are not offered for any of our products. 

24-hour minimum reschedule notice applies to all packages. Terms of Service
© Bernhard Visuals, LLC 2023
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